Friday, January 2, 2015

Welcome to 2015!

I'd like to say that I have big plans for 2015...but I don't.
Ben and Olaf inspecting the new Jeep

I'd like to say that I have big goals for 2015...but I don't.
We had a wonderful Christmas.  Our boys were loved and enjoyed.  Our house is so full of lego, and trucks, and R/C Jeeps that we can't begin to figure out where it all should go.  We took time to sit and watch movies - just hubby and I, as well as with the kids (we may have watched Frozen 3 or 4 times in the last week *grin*).  We spent time with our families, and a lot more time just in our house.  We even had one day that no one got our of their pajamas!  I think this is what this season is about - getting cozy, snuggling in, and sharing space with one another.

This new year has somehow managed to sneak up on me.  I absorbed the time I was able to spend with my family, time spent teaching my son to play Candyland, making baby gifts for the little ones we're adding to extended family this coming year, and dabbling in knitting for ME. 

I have loved the idea of One Word Resolutions since the first time I heard of it - you pick a single word as your focus for the year, instead of giving yourself yet another to-do list.

Just this morning, I saw one that - after my weeks spent searching - has FINALLY struck the right cord!!! 

That word? 


I want less negativity.  I want less distractions, so I can find what God has planned for me.  I want less dependence on money, and its joy-sucking abilities.  I want less anxiety that we're doing right by our child(ren), and whether our house is clean enough, or educational enough, or loving enough. I want less clutter - both literally and emotionally - that gets in the way of truly knowing what they need in this exact moment.

I want less baggage that I carry around just to validate my worth, or to find unwarranted pity (if that's even the right word?), so I can sleep peacefully at night.

I realize this is an odd word to pick, but it's one that I can use as my focus, to help me start moving toward where I need to be.

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