Monday, April 27, 2015

My Weekend...

A strange thing happened to me this weekend, sitting in the hallway, or on the side of the tub (at the SCUBA Hippo...), or wherever I was "allowed," by the little man learning to take care of business...
For the FIRST TIME since becoming a mother, his growth bummed me out a bit.
I should be THRILLED that we're finally boarding the potty train...hahahaha, see what I did there???
Ha!  Sorry...
Yes, I should be jumping with glee that the days of SCORES of dollars going to diapers are nearly behind us.  I should be excited that the times of cleaning someone's waste off their bottom are almost done.  Instead, I became rather sad.  Sad that the days of my BABY are ending. 
Sad that after all this time, and yes, it's been a LOOOOOONG time, my BABY will be a BOY.
I know that he's still my baby, and that all that's really happening is that he is developing properly.  But, it still makes me sad. 
He's my boy...but he's my BABY.
Good bye, baby Ben.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Happy Easter from Us!!!
It was the VERY RARE event that our big boys were able to come to church with can't know the thrill we had!!!
Ben & I were sick, which made for a tough weekend...but, we'll recover.
Baseball starts today!!  Connor is so excited to be playing for the TIGERS!!!!
Andrew's first practice is tomorrow.  :o)