Tuesday, March 17, 2015

It's Why I Do What I Do...

 Make no mistake, it's tough work.  It ain't no joke, y'all.
Presenting these teeny, tiny people with ideas that men and women have committed their LIVES to learning (and still struggle to grasp sometimes). It's something that I think of every single day. How can I explain to them the impact this has on our lives - even today, after so many years?

We sit in class, and we TALK.  And we SHARE.
And, we make trees! 

Then this little mind here tells his Pa and Daddy that we made trees to tell a story about a man that climbed a tree to see Jesus, and that Jesus knew he was there because Jesus loved him, and that Jesus was going to take him out to dinner.
Well, it's mostly right...*grin*


Monday, March 2, 2015

So Simple...

I will be teaching Sunday School at my church now until (at least) Easter. 

This means I will be taking a dozen-or-so three to seven year olds on a whirlwind trip through some of the "greatest hits" of Jesus' life.
A couple Sundays ago, the lesson was about Jesus calling his disciples; calling them fishers of men. 

Now, we've heard this story over & over (and over and over again, if you're like me), and so I searched everywhere for a lesson plan that sparked my interest.

In my searches, there was an idea that was so simple, and such a quick blurb...it wasn't really the meat of the lesson at all, it was the "connecting with kids" type portion...

The lesson suggested that you tell the class something like, "Have you ever been fishing?  It's so fun, and relaxing, and just great!  Now, I have my fishing pole, and my fisherman hat and vest, and even a pile of worms!  I'm just gonna go to the yard out front and fish!"

Then, you let the children tell you that you can't fish in the front yard, because there won't be any fish there to catch - that you MUST go WHERE.  THERE.  ARE.  FISH.

This hit me.  Whoa.  Why can't I just share my love of Christ while I'm at church?  Isn't showing the church that I love Jesus enough? 

Nope, it's sure not. 

I suppose I could go through the motions of fishing in my front yard all day long, and then complain that my fish supply is dwindling.  Then I could complain that I don't understand why, if I'm spending so much time fishing. But, if I'm not casting my line where fish can be found, the only thing I've done is use my energy and resources up, and for nothing.

What a ridiculous "DUH" moment. 

I must admit, I find so much MEAT when I'm looking for ideas to share with these itty bitty people...What I love even more is how these SIMPLE stories provide applications in my own, grown up life, too...
