Friday, May 17, 2013

There is something strange that happens when you start considering your life, and the INTENT. 

Suddenly, you start seeing the world around you differently, and you begin to really look into the beast that life has become.  I'm so thankful that, for the most part, we live simple lives.  We have a house that is just small enough for us, and have toys that are just old enough to enjoy. 

This week, hubby sent me this pic, and as I opened it, a coworker happened to walk by, and said, "Wow!  It looks like 1984 landed at your house!"

She was, of course, teasing, and we both laughed.  But then, I thought about it, and I was proud.  I have a little man that has no idea if the year is 1984, or 2013, or any other time in history.  All he knows is that we have a home that is HIS, and where he knows he is safe.  We have a pickup truck that can help us help our friends (or can be an amazing playscape, as was pictured a couple posts ago).  We have a camper, so we can reconnect with nature, and with each other, and still have a space to be cozy, safe, and comfortable. 

No, these things are NOT new, or "tech-savvy."  In fact, they are all older than me!  But, when things are taken care of, they can last. 

So many people are driven for the latest iPhone, or the newest McMansion, and here I sit, in our little bungalow, with our old toys, and think, "What else do I need?"

I reflect on Ecclesiastes 5:19-20 -

19 Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God. 20 For he shall not much remember the days of his life; because God answereth him in the joy of his heart.

Basically, I read - If I am happy with what we have, and realize that these things are gifts from God, I can live my life with joy, and not look back in sorrow, knowing that just as I take care of my child(ren), God takes care of me. 

Of course, I expect our child(ren) to keep up their end of this relationship, and help us- cleaning their rooms, picking up toys, and such.  But, I think God is the same way.  If we will accept Him, and what He has given, and we use those blessings for His will, we can be blessed knowing that while it may be a 1979 Porta-Cabin here, we are storing mansions in Heaven. 

Although, truth be told, I may rather enjoy my 1979 Porta-Cabin in Heaven, too. 


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