Monday, November 3, 2014

30 + 3!

I just love that Ben and his Aunt Ria have the same birthday.  In my mind, it will make this strong connection that is so important - a connection to that ONE FAMILY MEMBER, that is outside your home that makes you a special person to them.

This person, for me, changed often.  When I was VERY young, it was my Great Grandma Mac.  I spent more time with her than almost any other relative - in my VERY young years...we would sit on her front porch, and count the cars that passed by...I spent so many evenings like this.  Falling asleep on Gramma Mac's front porch...

I really wish for moments like that for my boy(s) - that they will have a relationship with someone that surpasses age, that helps BOTH of them connect with people in different walks of life.

Happy Birthday Aunt Ria, and Ben!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post...hope both had a great B'Day. Love...Aunt K
