Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Cast Your Cares

At our church, we use the King James Version (KJV) of The Bible.  This, we believe, is the last TRULY ordained by God version.  I know there are many varying opinions on this, but we also want to be sure that everyone is on the “same page,” almost literally, when we speak in terms of the scripture. 

The concern being that if one version of the scripture has a different interpretation than what is being used, there isn’t any disconnect with the congregation.

However, being a learner still (aren't we all?), and my own desire to truly understand my own beliefs (to make sure I’m not basing my belief on “because someone SAID so,” but because I’ve researched it myself), I will often review other versions of scripture, and just see what the differences are.

While browsing pinterest this morning, I was slammed with a HUGE, amazing, wonderful insight!!!
There was a meme (is that what they’re called?  The pictures with words things) that looked like this:

So yes, 1 Peter 5:7, KJV or otherwise, still means the same.  

Because God loves/cares for us, He will help us carry the load of our anxiety.

Now, I was pretty sure that the KJV didn’t say ANXIETY, and I was pretty sure of what “my” version said, but it gave me a moment to consider the intent and semantics of the verse, and it blew my mind.

The KJV version says, “Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you.”
Semantics…I love them…

Typically, when we read/think/share this verse, we speak the emphasis on the word YOU.  So, the important point we see is that Christ cares for us.  But what if we move that emphasis from YOU, and put it on the word FOR…


In my words…Cast your care on Him, and He’ll care FOR you. 

\Do you notice the difference? 

To me, it becomes an amazing lesson!  Instead of it being about how God loves us, and He’ll help us, it changes to mean that if we give the anxiety, worry, hurt, and cares to Him, He can TAKE IT FOR US.  It’s not that He’ll just hang onto it, and give it back when we’re stronger, but that He will take it FOR US. 

Let Him care FOR you.  Let Him worry FOR you.  Let Him hurt FOR YOU.

Like I said – BOOM.

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