In recent weeks/months, I have become OBSESSED with the idea of Tiny Houses. Have you seen/heard of this?
Basically, people are building homes that would fit in the average family room these days, in pursuit of simplicity, financial freedom, and maybe a little bit of retaliation against "the machine."
Don't get me wrong - I love my home. It's small, but not too small, in a wonderful neighborhood, close to all our family, and it keeps us warm and safe.
But, I feel myself being trapped by the STUFF. Things. I don't know if it's a phase, or a quiet scream for simplicity in my complex world, but it feels like a craving, in my soul, to find this simple life.
Every once in awhile, I get a gnawing pull to toss out everything that's not essential in my home, and start from scratch. My fear is that in doing so, I'll only panic about not having said STUFF, and will have just thrown out things I thought I didn't need, and will create large sums of debt I don't NEED to get more STUFF that I don't NEED. *sigh*
I guess I'm not really ready for a tiny house. We have our boy(s), and that complicates things. It's frustrating to know that all three would be just as happy with a box full of hot wheels and some free time versus an entire room in our home dedicated to JUST THEIR TOYS. And that we have room after room stuffed with things that we rarely use, and still hear the words, "I'm bored," every week - whether they be from the mouths of the little ones, or rattling inside our own head.
The idea of homesteading has rattled my cage a bit, but I don't think I'm THAT committed just yet. I still want a grocery store nearby (we are both far too forgetful to abandon that convenience), but I don't want to buy 4 different kinds of cereal, so that each boy gets their fill of their favorite. I think my biggest annoyance is TIME. There never, ever seems to be enough free time for us. And, when we HAVE it, we spend it exhausted and drained from all the work it took to create this free time.
We have created plenty of quantity, I want quality. But, except for dropping EVERYTHING and just jumping in, I can't figure out how to do that. I find myself SOOO envious of those with the courage to stop, look up, and say, "I'm done with life like this. Let's do it OUR way."
There is no real REASON for this's only my thoughts...and my desire to find a FIX.
I've often been intrigued by these "tiny houses" too! I like entertaining waaaay too much for that to ever work for me, but I think why I'm attracted to it has little to do with square footage and more to do with simplicity. Simplicity is a slow process. You don't have to relinquish everything all at once, but start slow and small. Check out Ruth Soukup's blog Living Well Spending Less, if you haven't already. She has a book releasing December 30th that would be perfect for you! Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteThank you, sista! I will definitely check it out...I think you're right - simplicity and PEACE are the true target - not so much tiny houses. :o)