Monday, January 30, 2012

Well, it's time - I'm gonna work on some weightloss!  Thankfully, I don't have any leftover "baby weight," in fact once everything was said and done, I ended up smaller than when I got pregnant - but things didn't LAND where they used to be.  *sigh*

Baby brother, Tim, is getting married in July!  YAY!!!  I posted a pic of them for one of my "This moment" pics.

And, I get to be in the wedding - I'm SUPER excited!  The best part will be that except for the bride & groom, Hubby & I will be the only couple that'll get to walk together - because YES, he's in the wedding, too!  Double-yay!

So, this means that the "tighten it up" program needs to start NOW.  If it wasn't the dead of winter, I'd consider packing up the baby boy and walking.  But, have you ever pushed a stroller through snow?  Yeah...I'm not down for that.

I have a small kettlebell weight at home - if I can find it maybe I'll start with that.

Once the weather is warmer, there will be more options, sorta.  The schedule between the boys, the baby, and job doesn't leave much "wiggle room" for a workout.

But, maybe I'll see what I can do.  I'd still LOVE to get in on a 5k at some point this spring.  That'll take some training, too - although truth be told, I'm a great, big lazy bones.  :)

But, I've gotta at least get my arms toned - strapless dress, here I come!

Do you think she remembers I have a tattoo???  Hrmmm...

1 comment:

  1. Crystal, Good luck with the loosing weight, I'm sure you'll do it. I saw an exercise routine for new moms, it was sort of a playtime for baby but a workout for mom, like two birds with one stone, try Google search and see what you find. Love Aunt K
