It was an ordinary Monday. After a ridiculously frustrating day at work, I hopped in my car, and called - hoping to hear from my Mother-In-Law that Ben had decided he was moving in with least for the night.
Instead, she said, "He's playing outside right now. He's got a weird bug bite, or something on his legs. Did you notice it?"
I thought, '
Wait - am I supposed to figure out how to get this child to stop moving long enough for tick checks or something? I live in the city - why would I do that? No, I didn't notice it - I wrapped him in a blanket, and prayed that when I placed him in bed last night, that he would stay there, and not think of seven-hundred things he forgot to do today, and that he needed to do immediately, so that approximately 6 minutes later I could also go to sleep. Shoot - another thing to add to my "WHY ARE YOU BEING A BAD MOM" list.'
But, I know her question is out of concern, not judgment, so I answer, "no, I didn't see anything last night, but I'm sure he's played outside all day. I guess I'll check it out when I get there."
I was so close to getting an evening to crawl in bed after dinner...
When I get there, I see this rash - it looks like an angry mosquito bite...I tell my MIL, "It's weird - it kinda looks like...a hickey?" Weird...
Thirty minutes later, it's looking like this:
So, we head home. I give him Benadryl, and wash his legs, thinking maybe this is an allergic reaction. It's possible, right?
An hour later? We have this:
The next morning, we go to see the Pediatrician, and he says, "It's's all bruises." By this time, they're down his legs, on his bottom, and starting on his feet.
Doc says, "Blood work. Get to the lab. Now. No, you can NOT stop for lunch. You must go. Now. I will call, and you'll be STAT. Tell them I called ahead for you - get there now."
The next 12 hours were the most terrifying of my life.
Blood work was inconclusive, and Doc said, "I have no idea. Get to the ER. No, not the local one - you need to get to Children's Hospital. They'll have oncology and cardiologists on-site."
I'm sorry - did you just say ONCOLOGY??? As in...the C-word that no one that has ever loved anyone wants to hear??? I must've misunderstood you...
I did not.
After how sick I was during my pregnancy - bed rest for 4 months, strange medications with risky complications, early induction, all that stuff - I was terrified what it may do to our little guy. I was scared that the treatments to help keep ME safe during my pregnancy would cause problems with him. Then, when he came, he was absolutely perfect. He was the healthiest of all our children - I was so thankful.
To think that in mere moments our life could be turned completely upside down, and that this little person's life was TRULY on the line...I have never been so scared in my life.
We called everyone we've ever met, and said, "Please. Pray. Stop what you are doing, and pray."
And, I'm so beyond thrilled to report that while he is sick - ear infection and some congestion in his lungs, he's good! It was a virus called HSP - Henoch-Schonlein Purpura - which is a virus-type issue that causes inflammation in the blood vessels. In six weeks, it should be gone.
When you're sitting with your child, watching bruises appear out of NO WHERE...there is NOTHING can explain the terror.
What amazed me was his JOY through it all. All the "new people to meet," as he said. The only disappointment he had was that they tried to make him wear a dress (his hospital gown). Heeheehee...that's why he's in his undies in all our pics. With the gown on? He was looking like this...
Poor Baby Boy in a Dress :o) |
It's astounding to me how bitter and resentful I had become from the pressures of everyday life. I didn't realize how selfish and whiny I had become. God chose this as a moment to snap me out of it.
Of course, he scared the bejeebus out of me...but maybe that's what it would take to see the reality of what I was becoming.
I'm just so thankful that he chose to give me a warning - and remind me that we may not have these little people forever, and that there are so precious few moments with them.