Monday, August 13, 2012

No update since MARCH?? REALLY??

I decided to stop in, and take a moment to write some.  When I did, I see that the last post was from March - WOW!  I knew time had gotten away from me, but not that much! 

So, with such a hot summer, we've taken as many chances as we can to do THIS:

Yep, that's the Jammin.  He's kept us busy, but makes us laugh every single second.  :)

He's such a good baby. 

Personally, I've been looking at ideas to hand-make a LOT of things lately.  Some in an effort to save money, others just because it seems a nice thing to do.

I've dipped my toe, ever so slightly, into the sewing world, which has been a BALL.  And, I'm now debating some other ventures - perhaps "green" toymaking.  :)

I've seen some simple ideas of toys from generations past that I'd LOVE to recreate.  :)

This idea really occurred to me after Ben spent some time with his Nonners & Great Aunts, and has now become slightly obsessed with what seems to be the best toy ever invented.  What is that?  A small, empty water bottle, with a few pennies dropped in it.  He's been fascinated by it, and just loves it.

It got me thinking to old pull toys, and old wooden cars, blocks and quilters cotton baby dolls.

The idea of becoming a "green santa" just has me mesmerized a bit...

Maybe the feeling will pass...or maybe this is the push I'm looking for?  Who knows...need to do some more research.

In an effort to start this, I'm debating Hubby & I making some toys for all the happy birthdays we have coming up within the next six or seven weeks. 

I have a question...if anyone actually reads this...does anyone have any ideas or tips for 100% NATURAL wood stains?  I saw an idea somewhere about boiling onion peels in water, to get a natural yellow stain.  But, I'm not sure how this works. 

Any advice?  Or suggestions on places to look?  I'm hoping for stains that DO NOT include chemicals.  For one, most of the gifts I'm planning to make are for little boys (many first birthdays), so I need something that is 100% "chewable." 

If you have any suggestions, please share!!!